Our philosophy has always been to go further.
In our field, every situation is different and only experience and innovative capability makes us reliable. Today we have one of the largest stock of OSR equipment and materials in Italy both qualitatively and quantitatively.
– skimmer (drum, drive, brush)
– skimmer for shallow waters
– skimmer for running waters (rivers, canals, etc.)
– inflatable booms
– rigid booms
– shallow water booms
– hydraulic power pack
– oil-absorbent barriers, pads and towels
Equipment and teams of our technicians and of our customers can be supported by the most advanced technologies for the detection and control of areas in difficult operating conditions (total darkness, light fog or smoke)
– thermal imaging systems;
– UV systems
– integrated oil detection IR/UV with activity log
– contactless oil detection sensors
All current or planned operations can be developed and supported through a command platform for tactical control of operations that allows the integrated management of all resources at work (or ready available on –site or from a control center). Our activities and those of our customers can be coordinated from a single operations center allowing:
– managing a single operation
– managing simultaneous operations
– programming activities
– resources management
– real and virtual exercises
– real and virtual training.
Together with our partners, we can support the activities of our customers both on single plant or on different geographical areas of interest all over the Mediterranean